How to add new cameras to your system via the automatic network discovery feature and set up your camera with WiFi.

Adding a Camera

  1. To add a new camera to your set up, first ensure that your camera and PC/Laptop are connected to the same internet connection that you intend to run the cameras and software with. If the camera is not already connected to the network, it will need to be connected directly to the router via ethernet for the set up process.
  2. Once the camera can be seen on the network, it will appear on the "Add Camera" tab within the console. If no cameras are appearing, press "Refresh" to prompt the system to discover any new devices.

  1. Once the camera has appeared, press "Add". You will then be prompted with the below screen;

  1. Name your camera in the box supplied. We recommend making this name unique to your system.

  2. Choose to add your camera to a "Camera Set". Cameras sets are used to group cameras together for reasons such as location or alarm schedules.

  3. Once you have Named your camera and chosen a camera set (if applicable), press "Save". Upon successfully adding your camera, you will be taken to the below screen. To set your camera up with WiFi, press "Configure Camera WiFi Settings".

Setting Up Your Camera With WiFi

  1. Once on the Camera WiFi Setup page, select your SSID from the drop down list. SSID is the the name of your WiFi and is usually on the back of your router.

  1. Enter your WiFi Password, case sensitively into the WiFi Password box.

  2. Press "Save". You will then see a pop up box appear at the top of the page stating that your camera was successfully connected to WiFi. Once this message appears, you can disconnect the ethernet cable from your camera.

Please Note: Depending on your WiFi speeds and strength, the camera may take up to 10 minutes to appear on your Console home page after setting up the WiFi. Please do not worry if it does not connect up straight away.